

Simple and straight. Precise and brief. Prose is the science of writing with clarity, brevity and a little bit of wit. Prose is where beginners should start their reading quests before going to those “loose, baggy monsters” or novels as mentioned by Henry James. This page provides a collection of prose summaries with a lot to learn from:

  1. An Area of Darkness
  2. Novelist as Teacher
  3. Vivekananda’s World
  4. Novel (as a literary form)
  5. Indian character
  6. Commonwealth Literature, an introduction
  7. Odour of Chrysanthemums
  8. To Room Nineteen
  9. Modern English Poetry BLV Unit 1
  10. Modern English Drama
  11. Modern English Fiction
  12. Self-Reliance
  13. I Have A Dream
  14. Hachiko
  15. Winning of Friends
  16. Sparrows K A Abbas

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